Wednesday 3 September 2014

Body Beautiful?

Does your body define your level of beauty? 

Is there a perfect body? 

What makes me say this? 
It's true. 

Everybody has different opinions on perfection so not everyone is going to have a perfect body are they? People are beautiful in many ways so a bit more chub on your body doesn't make you any more ugly than a person with none at all, or being a really thin doesn't make you any less beautiful than a curvy person. 
The reason I'm saying all this? The other day a P.E. teacher decided the best way to encourage physical education was to get us all to describe our perfect body and to put an image of an slightly overweight person next to a skinnier person and ask which one we thought was the perfect body.

It may be true that people believe that the skinner person was more beautiful but is this really a way to get us all to feel good about ourselves? 

Now I'm not a very thin person, in fact I would call myself chubby but does this mean I'm not perfect? No, it doesn't. Does this make me unhappy? No, it doesn't. Does this mean I should make drastic changes to my life to make me look like what is considered a perfect body? No. Should you make drastic changes to your life to make you look the same? No, not at all. 

We should all be happy in our own skin, in fact nearly everyone would be happy in their own skin if it wasn't for the bad influences around us and how pathetic the world seems to have become when it involves body image. 

Body image shouldn't even matter. It's your happiness that matters. And if you are happy to be like me where you walk home from school for about 30 minutes and then get in to bed and eat biscuits then why should anyone have the right to tell you that it is wrong that that is what makes you feel content. And when your happy and sat with your friends do you ever feel down about how you look? No because you're too busy having a good time. 

And what is the big deal about body image anyway? You never walk past someone in the street and think 'wow I would never talk to her, she's so skinny' or 'ew I wouldn't talk to him he is so fat' so why should you be worried people think that about you? In fact nearly everyone you walk past is probably to worried about what other people think of them to think too much into your appearance so in the end, does it actually matter? And does it matter what other people think of you anyway when half the people you will see you will never see again? I've decided it doesn't for me and I think other people should start feeling the same way. It is hard to throw away all of the little niggles about whether your hair looks ok in a ponytail or whether your shoes match your top but eventually it gets easier and it does enable you to feel a lot happier.

And, if your P.E. teacher ever asks you what your perfect body is, say your own, because to you, you are one of the most important people in your life so don't let yourself feel down and bad or upset.



  1. Im shocked that a teacher would be allowed to ask this question! :O

    I believe that everyone wants what they cant have so a small girl wants to be tall and the tall girl wants to be shorter.. I know I used to be like this and it made me so unhappy.. Ive grown out of this way of thinking -matured- and now im happy with myself. Now I go to the gym to put myself in a good mood not just 'exercising to be skinny'. As long as youre healthy and happy, it doesn't/shouldn't matter what you look like :)
    This is a great inspirational blog post :) well done!

    1. I was too! Me and my friends reported her and I totally agree with you, everybody should be happy. Thank you!
