Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Blogger Tag!

Hello! The other day I discovered that Mo on Everything Mo had tagged me in The Blogger tag! It is so lovely and exciting to get tags especially since I haven't been blogging that long :)

1) Why did you start blogging?

To be honest I'm not exactly sure why, it just looked really exciting and a great thing to be part of. I attempted a craft blog a year ago but I didn't have the time or energy to keep making bracelets that I would blog about so it just became a lost cause but I fancied  giving it another try and here I am! :)

2) Who's your idol?

This is such a hard question because I don't really have one but then there are so many people I could say are my idol like Diane Fossey for all her work with gorillas (I want to do that one day) or some of the authors I read.

3) If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

The jungle! Or rainforest or just the middle of nowhere. I love forests and just being in the middle of nowhere and the jungle has so many interesting creatures in I think it would just be in heaven (as long as i had bug spray). But then I would want a house just so I could decorate it the way I want with bright white walls and pops of colour and lot's and lot's of books so I guess I will have to settle for the middle of nowhere.

4) What's your signature scent?

This is probably really boring compared to everyone else but it's a Superdrug own brand called 'Seduce' and ever since I brought one, it has been the only thing I have sprayed myself with, I really love it.

5) What's your favourite makeup brand?

I am so rubbish when it comes to makeup! I have my everyday routine including foundations and eyeliner and that is it. But I think I shall go with Rimmel as it's where most of my products are from.

6) Would you choose high street or high end fashion?

High street. My fashion sense is awful and I am so bad at shopping for clothes. I find my favourite tops and jeans and thats what I am happy wearing until they give up on me (my favourite jeans ripped the other day and it broke my heart). 

7) What's your favourite song?

My favourite song changes constantly but right now I will have to go for Westside off the new Kooks album.

8) What's your favourite album?

This changes with my mood but at the moment, the new Kooks album, Listen.

9) Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

I haven't used Facebook for over a year now, I have days where I love Instagram and days where I completely forget about it so I am definitely a Twitter person.

10) Which celebrity styles inspire you?

Since I am not a fashionable person I think I am aloud to like a man's style (I'm not copying it, I'm not that bad) but I like Luke Pritchard's jumpers and strange trousers (Kook's theme starting - no shame). I also like Emma Robert's style ALOT but I am hopeless at keeping up with it.

11) What's your best Holiday?

CHRISTMAS! All my friends and family know what a christmas lover I am and I have no shame in it at all. I love the lead up to it, all the gold and red decorations and the cold and the films and the happiness and the roast dinners and the fires and the snow (hopefully) and all the treats and rubbish food you are aloud to eat. I also love going shopping and buying everyone presents and cards.

I would like to tag;

Renata at 'About Me, My Life, My Art' (she does the most beautiful art)
Elizabeth at 'Elizabeth's Diary
Megan at 'Room With A Bloom'
Charlotte at 'Heart Full Of Dreams'

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