Thursday 26 June 2014

Favourites... Travel

I don't think that you can really call this a favourite but recently I have been wandering the internet and everyday seen a page on travel, the best hotels or a bucket list of places to visit before you die and they have all caught my attention so I found myself scrolling through the endless lists of dreamy places. I guess you could call it wanderlust but I am now so desperate to go and explore the world. Inspired by the excessive amount of travel websites I have visited, I have decided to start my own mini bucket list of areas to visit and countries to go to.
 An obvious place to start is Paris and the Eiffel Tower, a romantic setting which everyone must have thought or dreamt about visiting.
 When I was very young, I always dreamt about visiting Egypt and loved anything Egyptian. I remember my mom's friends going and coming back with different gifts of notepads with hieroglyphics on and bookmarks of a similar design. I always wanted to go and see the pyramids and tombs of pharaohs like Tutankhamun. I mean, who wouldn't want to travel on a camel and see Giza and the Sphinx?
 Australia is another easy guess. The Sydney Opera House, Uluru and other landmarks have all caught people's attention at some point or another, with no exception to me. The entirety of Australia appears amazing, apart from all of the spiders and high temperatures, and I would be surprised to find myself turning down an offer to visit. 
 The Great Wall of China, a tourist favourite and dream of many. The seemingly unending wall is so beautiful and surround by nature it is hard to not want to visit.
 In Turkey, there is an area filled with rock houses, a strange vision to onlookers but a must see for explorers and travellers. 
 The famous St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia is another area worming its way onto most peoples travel lists, with its colourful domes and intricate design work its unlikely anyone would say no to going.
I would love to go to Italy again as it is a country of never ending beauty. I have visited Italy before for a fly by visit of Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius but the country is filled to the brim of city's and towns containing famous landmarks, there is still so much I want to explore. Venice is an obvious place to want to travel to, along with Pisa, Florence and Rome.
 Machu Picchu in Peru is such a beautiful and mysterious area I am dying to visit, regardless of the expense it costs to go, and, to be honest, it must be worth the money.
 In Prague, there is an exciting, mind bending building named 'The Dancing House' and I wouldn't mind visiting, even if it's just for a photograph.
 Easter Island must be on nearly every online bucket list I have seen and is truly a real dream of mine to visit.    The strange heads which have been replicated so much must leave true marks on those who see it. 
 Athens and just Greece overall is a place I'd love to visit. The white houses and deep blue seas just appear so dreamy I am desperate to visit. Athens is also breathtaking and filled with mythology, its a wondrous place.
 India is one of the countries I really want to travel to. I would love to try the foods and see all the sights as India appears to be such a charismatic place. The Taj Mahal is a place in particular I'd love to visit.
 There is a really beautiful piece of architecture in Iran named the Azadi Tower and I am desperate to go as it just looks so intriguing. 
 On the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa, there is a waterfall named Victoria Falls which is an area of such natural beauty, it would be weird to not want to go. 
 Last but not least, something that is probably on many people's bucket lists, I would love to go on a road trip around America. Me and my friend have said we both want to do this together for a gap year and I do hope it happens as there is so much to see in America and so much to try, it's hard not to want to go straight away. A particular place I want go to is New York City as it is filled with so many things to look and do and it reminds me of the films I have watched so I'd love to go round and say that this happened here etc. 

If there is anything else you think I should add then comment and let me know or any memories, photos and stories of places you have visit then tell me about them, I'd love to hear them.

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