Saturday 7 June 2014

Submarine *spoilers are given*

I'm guessing that most of you don't know this but my favourite film is 'Submarine'. This film was directed by Richard Ayoade and is based on the book 'Submarine' by Joe Dunthorne. The story follows a fifteen year old boy going through the motions of school life, his experiences with his new girlfriend and how he deals with his parent's wilting relationship. The main character 'Oliver Tate' doesn't have the most normal personality but is still relatable and can make you laugh till you cry. Oliver Tate is played by the beautiful Craig Roberts who, in my eyes, is probably the person most suited for the role. His girlfriend 'Jordana Bevan' (who has also been cast perfectly, played by Yasmin Page) is a pyromaniac and appears to have the ability of controlling Oliver with a single remark. The couple are shown to have a happy 'unromantic' relationship, filled with fireworks, setting fire to Tates leg hair and walking Bevans dog. I think the factor that makes their relationship so desirable is that it isn't romanticised and it's filled with smart, hilarious, sarcastic remarks, one of my favourite being "F****** hell, you're serial killer." coming from Jordana when Oliver is trying to lure her into bed. However, at the same time as he is starting his relationship with Jordana, Oliver's parents are having problems after his mothers old 'true love' moves in next door. Since Oliver's father isn't a man able to stick up for himself, Oliver is worried for his parents and is desperately trying to patch things up between them, with strange and comical consequences. While Oliver is occupied with these occurrences, his girlfriends mother has a brain tumour, which, according to Oliver, turns Jordana "gooey in the middle" after listening to her describe how a flame looks similar to a tear. Oliver stops all contact with Jordana and is heartbroken when he discovers her with another boy (but what did he expect?). On the same night he discovers his mother and her ex-lover together and, after a trail of events, attempts to urinate in the ex-lovers house. Although this may not sound like a happy ending, eventually all things come together (I'm not revealing all) and it does leave you with a heart warming uplifting sensation. 
Ayoade has manage to create impeccable screenplay, enabling the viewer to build up trust with the story and completely lose themselves within in it. In no other film that I have watched have I ever felt so in-touch with the characters and like the story was personal to me. At several points in the film I found myself wanting to physically interact with the characters and tell them how to make everything better, and, even long after my first viewing of the film, I found myself floating away and thinking of the storyline, imagining the endless possibilities of what could have taken place in the small Welsh town after the ending of the last scene. The characters are so well played that it almost feels like a serious deception when the audience is reminded of the fact that they are only part of an imagination. I would love to be able to point out a fault with this marvelous feature but there are none as far as I'm concerned, and, it would without a doubt receive a 11/10 rating from me. But, enough rambling from me, just go and watch this beautiful piece of cinema. I think it's currently about £4.50 Amazon if you're interested in buying it.

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