Thursday 10 July 2014

Submarine (book)

I am currently halfway through this magical, hilarious adventure and I am impressed to say the least. I am on page 213 out of 290 and it is sooo hard to put down, I have found myself having 1-2 hour sessions of reading and then having to forcably keep myself away from it so I can do other things. I think the reason the book is so addictive is because of the frank speech, the relatable thoughts and a storyline which most people have had experience with but with added hilarity. I love the fact that it doesn't have an opening as such but just begins the story and explains on the way, it also doesn't give much detail on the appearance Oliver Tate so it let's you create an image in your mind, making the story even more relatable and easy to visualize. The intelligent words used, while increasing your own intelligence, catches you as a reader due to the fact it adds a twist on the character, a type of peculiar personally trait which everyone has but tend not to show. I would, so far, rate this novel a strong 5/5 but it may change as I reach the end. When I do finish it I shall update this post with my overall thoughts and how it compares to the film. (Blame the book for my lack of activity)


  1. hmmm it sounds good. I will probably read the book. It looks very interesting. Good article ;)

    1. Glad I've given you some suggestions :)
