Wednesday 20 August 2014

Good Luck!

Hey guys! 

Sorry for not posting over the past few days like normal but I have been busy finishing off the tidying I have to do in my bedroom and seeing my friends and getting ready for Reading Festival tomorrow and trying to lock up my worries about results day in the back of my mind (which I have realised was not the best idea afterall). I will start posting again next week as normal when I get back from Reading but in this post I just want to say good luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results tomorrow.

I know I could say don't worry but it is inevitable that most of you will like I am now but my advice is to talk to someone about your worries because it will make you feel a lot better (even if it is just your cat or something) and to try and keep yourself busy tonight and don't watch the news! The day before the A-Level result were given out the news was going on about how grades have dropped which worried me even though I'm not doing them so it's a good idea to not listen or watch the news so you don't end up fretting even more, regardless of what they say.

So good luck! And I shall write more next week :)


1 comment:

  1. I have just nominated you for the Liebster Award!
    Enjoy answering my questions and keep blogging :)—blog/liebster-
