Wednesday 13 August 2014

Second Holiday, Days 3 & 4

The third day was spent looking around 'Eden Camp', an old army camp which has been turned into a museum about war. It was such a nice day (even though I lost my dad)  and the weather was perfect. We also indulged ourselves with a raspberry ripple cheesecake at dinner time :)


On the Tuesday we headed down to Scarborough where I had an amazing milkshake (strawberry) which ice cream in at the cafe by the cliff tram. It was heaven in a glass I swear.

Somehow my dad coaxed me up the huge hill to the castle and I am kind of glad he did since the views were spectacular and I managed to take a gorgeous picture of a butterfly while looking out to sea.

After coming back from the castle we had a bit of trouble getting back to where we parked the car in town but after a lot of consulting town maps we found it.   


  1. Aw sounds lovely!

    Come check my blog out?
