Sunday 3 August 2014

The Liebster Award

It was a great feeling to find out that I had been nominated for the Liebster Award when I got back off holiday! The Liebster Award is basically a tag for bloggers to share each others blogs and is also quite fun :) 

The rules are :

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.

2. You have to answer all the questions you were given by the person who nominated you.

3. You must choose 5-11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and come up with a new set of 11 questions for them. (some of my blogs go over 200 a bit but I couldn't not nominate them)

4. Let your nominees know they’ve been nominated.

I was nominated by Megan from Room With A Bloom  and here are her questions:

1. Whats your favourite season of the year?
Winter, I can't deal with hot weather and I will probably complain about the cold but I prefer to summer. It's also Christmas in winter! (It is my favourite holiday)

2. What does your blog name mean?
My blog name is basically my last name swapped around (Branson) as I'm not a huge fan of it but I wanted my blog name to be original and close to me.

3. What is your favourite candy/sweet?
I'm not really I fan of sweets but I LOVE chocolate. My favourite chocolate is Cadbury's Golden Biscuit Crunch.

4. How long have you been blogging?
Technically I started blogging in October 2013 when I started my bracelet blog but I kind of gave up on it but then I started this one which is nearly 2 months old :)

5. Which blogs do you check daily?
I normally on go on a blog if I know they have a new post up. I follow most of my favourite blogs on Bloglovin' so I can see their new posts there. These include: Xpresso Reads, Bored Panda, Writing My Own Fairytale and Zoella. I also check out About me, my life, my ART alot.

6. If you could go on holiday anywhere, where would it be?
I think I would go the Congo and search for the apes in the forest as it is one of my interests and what I hope to be doing when I am older.

7. Do you have any special talents?
Not particularly but I am quite good at making crafty things.

8. What is the best  book you've read recently?
The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer. I'm not really sure why I like it so much but I enjoyed the style of writing an the feeling that it gave you of unwinding a story that you had discovered yourself.

9. What is your favourite holiday?
I've already said but it is Christmas! I just love the feeling of togetherness and how nearly everybody gets in the spirit, regardless of whether they want to or not.

10. What's something that you have learnt recently?
That there is a word that means counting on your fingers: dactylonomy.

11. What quote do you live by?
"Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted" Its not a proper quote but it is still something I 'live by'. It was actually one of my first tweets :)

I nominate:

My questions:
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. How long have you been blogging?
3. What are your favourite blogs?
4. What is your all time favourite film?
5. What is the one thing you couldn't live without?
6. What is your favourite nail varnish?
7. What is your favourite word?
8. Do you have a favourite place to be? If so, where is it?
9. What is your favourite song?
10. What is your most loved beauty product?
11. Chocolate or Sweets?

If you do the tag let me know so I can read them, 

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