Friday 3 October 2014

Beauty and Fashion Tag

Hey guys!

A few weeks ago Elizabeth from Elizabeth's Diary tagged me in the beauty and fashion tag and I completely forgot about it (oops). But anyway, I shall now give it ago!

1. Would you rather shop at MAC or Sephora for the rest of your life? 

To be totally honest I don't even know what Sephora is so I shall have to go with MAC, but I like MAC's stuff so its all good.

2. If you could which designer would you want to meet? 

Well, I guess that now Emma Roberts has designed her own jewellery range she counts as a designer right?

3. What is your favourite type of Lush and Bath and Body works product? 

I love Lush (who doesn't) but I can never shop there because I always feel like I am just wasting their products but I do have an obsession with a christmas body wash they always bring out called 'Snow Fairy' so I always try and stock up on it for the year.

4. If you had to shop at 4 places for the rest of your life including makeup and clothing which places would they be? 
Superdrug, New Look, House of Fraser (I like all the dresses) and Boots? 

5. Would you rather have a lip gloss or lip stick? 
I feel like lipstick just looks stupid on me and same for bright coloured lip glosses but I like really light coloured lip glosses.

6. What is your favourite brand of makeup? 
Rimmel London

7. Do you dress up like a tomboy, edgy girl, or girly girl? 
 I guess a mixture of all of them? I love dresses but I don't wear them that much and I have some really nice tops but I am normally in jeans.

8. Would you rather have a lot of clothes but not designer or a couple of designer clothes but no other clothes? 
Loads of clothes, I would feel worried about ruining my nice ones!

9. Would you rather go to a fashion show front row seats for Marc Jacobs for free or a shopping spree of 1,000 pounds?
Shopping spree! I am no good with keeping up with fashion etc so it would be wasted on me.

10. What's your favourite type of mascara? 
Rimmel London Extra Super Lash, I am never not wearing it!

11. If you could have any job in the world what would it be?

If I am supposed to say something fashion or make related I may fail on this question but honestly? I would want my own second hand bookshop where I can just sit and read all day while selling books.

I tag:

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Wicked Wildfire Read-a-Thon

I have joined a read-a-thon! I've wanted to join a book related event for a while now and this seemed like the perfect one since my wardrobe is more books than clothes. Here is all the info if you want to join too:

The  Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon is a time when we all get together to dedicate the days of October 17-27 to as much reading as possible. You read as much as you can in order to get yourself a little further through that huge to-read pile! We know real life gets in the way and even if you can’t participate more than one dayyou're welcome to join in on the fun!

I will be posting updates of how I am doing etc on here, Twitter and Goodreads and if you are taking part, I would love to know what you are up to too so let me know! You can join it here at My Shelf Confessions.


Friday 26 September 2014

Things To Love About Autumn

While some people are morning the end of Summer I am one of the minority who is excited about the approach of Winter and the arrival of Autumn. You can call me weird but I really am not a fan of Summer with all the warm weather and bugs e.t.c. However, I do love Winter (mainly because of the build up to Christmas) and, of course, Autumn. So why not try and change the minds of the Summer lovers and create a list of things to love about it?

  1. Frosty windows
  2. Cooler mornings (a great excuse to stay in bed)
  3. Wearing big fluffy jumpers
  4. Wearing socks all the time (I love socks)
  5. Warm fires
  6. Autumn leaves
  7. Halloween (horror movie time!)
  8. Pulling out your favourite warm boots again
  9. Hot drinks (mainly hot chocolate)
  10. Bonfires!
  11. Amazing scented candles
  12. Movie nights 
  13. Autumn fashions (even though I am awful with it, I do try)
  14. The sound of rain
  15. Scarves and gloves and hats!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

How To... Make Quesadillas

Hey guys!
Today I thought I would give a recipe post a go and since it is my first excuse the barble I am likely to include in it :)

Ingredients to make 4:
  • 2 Tortilla's 
  • 100g Cheese
  • 1/2 slices of Ham/Turkey/Whatever sliced meet you want to use
  • A small amount of water
  • Oil

1. Fold your wraps in half

 2. Split them along the line you created with the fold

 3. Fold the half in half again and on one side cover in your meat whilst leaving the edges clear.

4. Put 50g of the cheese on the meat but keep it away from the edge if the tortilla

5. Dip your index finger into the water and rub your finger along the free edges of the wrap so it feels wet and slightly doughy

6. Fold the wrap over and rub the free sides together so it seals the meat and cheese in

7. Lightly fry it in a small amount of oil until golden brown

8. (Optional) Feed any left over ham to your greedy cat

Monday 22 September 2014

Favourites.. Bookmark

The other day I went off to Presteigne in Wales and I brought this bookmark and I am in love with it. I love the fact it is recycled, I love the fact it is got a quote that I love on and I love the paper. 


Thursday 18 September 2014

If I Stay / Where She Went

Over the summer I managed to get my dad to buy me 'If I Stay' and 'Where She Went' by Gayle Forman and I managed to read them both over about two days. They were quite short books with about 200 pages each but the story just wraps its hands around you and doesn't let go so you end up just reading them in one sitting. 

'If I Stay'  

"Choices. Seventeen-year-old Mia is faced with some tough ones: Stay true to her first love—music—even if it means losing her boyfriend and leaving her family and friends behind?
Then one February morning Mia goes for a drive with her family, and in an instant, everything changes. Suddenly, all the choices are gone, except one. And it's the only one that matters."

The first book was brilliant, the author managed to mix detailed flashbacks with the occurrences happening at  the current time without making a wishy-washy storyline like some others have, she made it detailed with out over picking things and showed the emotions of the other characters without making the story too confusing. She describe the gore of the car accident without making it vile for the reader to read and didn't leave in information that wasn't needed. It was beautifully written with characters that didn't seem like a dream. 
Yes, the relationship between Mia and Adam is a bit cliche but we all love a bit of a cliche really, right? And nothing is really original so why not use a cliche as a component to a heavy storyline? The storyline would have been to much in my opinion and she didn't abuse the cliche it was just there, adding a happier emotion to the weight of the situation. This is a must read, it makes you laugh (slightly), smile and cry. It holds your attention unlike other books I have read  and pulls your heart strings without pulling them off completely. 
But oh, the cliffhanger. This book contains a huge cliffhanger that kills you, even if you do have the next book waiting expectantly next to you. My one piece of advice when reading these books is to buy them together. The wait between finishing the first and starting the second will kill you.
Although I love it, I do have one piece of annoyance when it comes to this book. The cover. I know that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but all of the recent redesigns of it has made it look a bit naff to be honest. I have put the first cover here just to make it look truly amazing (like it is).

'Where She Went' 

"Picking up several years after the dramatic conclusion of If I StayWhere She Went continues the story of Adam and Mia, from Adam's point of view. Ever since Mia's decision to stay - but not with him - Adam's career has been on a wonderful trajectory. His album, borne from the anguish and pain of their breakup, has made him a bona fide star. And Mia herself has become a top-rate cellist, playing in some of the finest venues in the world. When their respective paths put them both in New York City at the same time, the result is a single night in which the two reunite - with wholly satisfying results."

'Where She Went' wasn't as breath taking as the first but it was still amazing. It starts off a bit 'eh' and slow going but once you power through that then it starts to get interesting.
Like the first book, it managed to fill you in with the past without sounding like a mess, it conveyed their emotions and feelings without making it sound boring and confusing and filled you in on everything after that massive cliffhanger without being too in the past. I liked this book because you got to see Adam's point of view instead of Mia's and it wasn't just the same as the first but with a new story line. I think this book is compulsory if you have read the first one you have to read the first one to understand the second.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Blogger Tag!

Hello! The other day I discovered that Mo on Everything Mo had tagged me in The Blogger tag! It is so lovely and exciting to get tags especially since I haven't been blogging that long :)

1) Why did you start blogging?

To be honest I'm not exactly sure why, it just looked really exciting and a great thing to be part of. I attempted a craft blog a year ago but I didn't have the time or energy to keep making bracelets that I would blog about so it just became a lost cause but I fancied  giving it another try and here I am! :)

2) Who's your idol?

This is such a hard question because I don't really have one but then there are so many people I could say are my idol like Diane Fossey for all her work with gorillas (I want to do that one day) or some of the authors I read.

3) If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

The jungle! Or rainforest or just the middle of nowhere. I love forests and just being in the middle of nowhere and the jungle has so many interesting creatures in I think it would just be in heaven (as long as i had bug spray). But then I would want a house just so I could decorate it the way I want with bright white walls and pops of colour and lot's and lot's of books so I guess I will have to settle for the middle of nowhere.

4) What's your signature scent?

This is probably really boring compared to everyone else but it's a Superdrug own brand called 'Seduce' and ever since I brought one, it has been the only thing I have sprayed myself with, I really love it.

5) What's your favourite makeup brand?

I am so rubbish when it comes to makeup! I have my everyday routine including foundations and eyeliner and that is it. But I think I shall go with Rimmel as it's where most of my products are from.

6) Would you choose high street or high end fashion?

High street. My fashion sense is awful and I am so bad at shopping for clothes. I find my favourite tops and jeans and thats what I am happy wearing until they give up on me (my favourite jeans ripped the other day and it broke my heart). 

7) What's your favourite song?

My favourite song changes constantly but right now I will have to go for Westside off the new Kooks album.

8) What's your favourite album?

This changes with my mood but at the moment, the new Kooks album, Listen.

9) Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

I haven't used Facebook for over a year now, I have days where I love Instagram and days where I completely forget about it so I am definitely a Twitter person.

10) Which celebrity styles inspire you?

Since I am not a fashionable person I think I am aloud to like a man's style (I'm not copying it, I'm not that bad) but I like Luke Pritchard's jumpers and strange trousers (Kook's theme starting - no shame). I also like Emma Robert's style ALOT but I am hopeless at keeping up with it.

11) What's your best Holiday?

CHRISTMAS! All my friends and family know what a christmas lover I am and I have no shame in it at all. I love the lead up to it, all the gold and red decorations and the cold and the films and the happiness and the roast dinners and the fires and the snow (hopefully) and all the treats and rubbish food you are aloud to eat. I also love going shopping and buying everyone presents and cards.

I would like to tag;

Renata at 'About Me, My Life, My Art' (she does the most beautiful art)
Elizabeth at 'Elizabeth's Diary
Megan at 'Room With A Bloom'
Charlotte at 'Heart Full Of Dreams'

Saturday 13 September 2014


A couple of weeks ago I went out in the search for deer to photograph. I love deer and their innocence and thought 'why not go take some proper photos' and I did. They were all wild deer so the pictures aren't drop dead amazing.

Wednesday 10 September 2014


Remember ages ago when I was reading Submarine? Yeah well me neither but I thought I would do the review now anyway. 

"Meet Oliver Tate, 15. Convinced that his father is depressed ("Depression comes in bouts. Like boxing. Dad is in the blue corner") and his mother is having an affair with her capoeira teacher, "a hippy-looking twonk", he embarks on a hilariously misguided campaign to bring the family back together. Meanwhile, he is also trying to lose his virginity - before he turns sixteen - to his pyromaniac girlfriend Jordana. Will Oliver succeed in either aim? Submerge yourself in Submarine and find out..."

This book is hilarious, I may have only laughed out loud a few times but most it was read with a grin slapped on my face. Although, I couldn't help but cringe at the very clearly described sexual parts but its the sort of thing you take in your stride as you read something as intriguing as this. The story was odd, which was a factor I enjoyed (who wants a boring story) and the characters even odder which made me really like them, however I don't think a real life connection would happen. I wouldn't describe it as the best I've ever read but it is definitely very high up there. 
AND I have a shock for you all, I think the film was actually better than the book. It is very often said but I believe that in this case it is. I can't put my finger on why but it just is. The storyline in the film is similar but after both reading and watching 'Submarine' I wouldn't say they were the same. 'Inspired by' would be the phrase I think, but the film has shredded some of the original weirdness that the book held which has, in turn, changed the details of the story slightly and, if I was at gun point, I think that is what I would say has made the film better. Don't get me wrong though, I love the weirdness of the book and it is what makes the book 'Submarine' rather than just another book on a bookshelf.

I highly recommend you read this book at some point your life.

Sunday 7 September 2014


While I was exploring the internet I found this beautiful word and this definition just completely caught my mind and I had to share it with everyone. Credit to whoever wrote this.

Sonder - The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own - populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness - an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you will never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Body Beautiful?

Does your body define your level of beauty? 

Is there a perfect body? 

What makes me say this? 
It's true. 

Everybody has different opinions on perfection so not everyone is going to have a perfect body are they? People are beautiful in many ways so a bit more chub on your body doesn't make you any more ugly than a person with none at all, or being a really thin doesn't make you any less beautiful than a curvy person. 
The reason I'm saying all this? The other day a P.E. teacher decided the best way to encourage physical education was to get us all to describe our perfect body and to put an image of an slightly overweight person next to a skinnier person and ask which one we thought was the perfect body.

It may be true that people believe that the skinner person was more beautiful but is this really a way to get us all to feel good about ourselves? 

Now I'm not a very thin person, in fact I would call myself chubby but does this mean I'm not perfect? No, it doesn't. Does this make me unhappy? No, it doesn't. Does this mean I should make drastic changes to my life to make me look like what is considered a perfect body? No. Should you make drastic changes to your life to make you look the same? No, not at all. 

We should all be happy in our own skin, in fact nearly everyone would be happy in their own skin if it wasn't for the bad influences around us and how pathetic the world seems to have become when it involves body image. 

Body image shouldn't even matter. It's your happiness that matters. And if you are happy to be like me where you walk home from school for about 30 minutes and then get in to bed and eat biscuits then why should anyone have the right to tell you that it is wrong that that is what makes you feel content. And when your happy and sat with your friends do you ever feel down about how you look? No because you're too busy having a good time. 

And what is the big deal about body image anyway? You never walk past someone in the street and think 'wow I would never talk to her, she's so skinny' or 'ew I wouldn't talk to him he is so fat' so why should you be worried people think that about you? In fact nearly everyone you walk past is probably to worried about what other people think of them to think too much into your appearance so in the end, does it actually matter? And does it matter what other people think of you anyway when half the people you will see you will never see again? I've decided it doesn't for me and I think other people should start feeling the same way. It is hard to throw away all of the little niggles about whether your hair looks ok in a ponytail or whether your shoes match your top but eventually it gets easier and it does enable you to feel a lot happier.

And, if your P.E. teacher ever asks you what your perfect body is, say your own, because to you, you are one of the most important people in your life so don't let yourself feel down and bad or upset.


Monday 1 September 2014

Favourites.. Jewellery

A few days ago I went up to Stoke for an art show which featured my mom's friend. Her name is Karen Boulton and she does a lot of artwork using wire. She can practically make anything, she even made me a monkey a while ago.

After going to her art show we all went for a drink and she showed us these beautiful rings she made and she even gave me one (I was chuffed to bits) but this is definitely the sort of statement piece I would go out and buy. In fact, this is the sort of ring I would buy and try and waft it in peoples faces so they take notice of the beauty.

She does sell her artwork and these rings so if you are interested in buying one then email me ( and I will give you all the information you need to get through to her.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Reading Festival! Sunday

Sunday was the last and most eventful day at the festival and one of my favourite bands 'The Kooks' were playing so I was SO excited :)

Sunday was supposed to start off with watching 'Emily's Army' (just because my name is Emily too) but instead we got nachos for breakfast (healthy right?) and watched the end of 'Flyt' and the start of 'The Royal Concept'.
I think it was about half one when I went on twitter and found that The Kooks were going to be at the signing tent so off we went to a merch stall and got ourselves a 'Down' T-Shirt and waited in the line for The Kooks. I was so excited I was shaking. When we got there we weren't allowed to take photos and we were only allowed to take one thing to sign which sucked, but, we could take photos as long as we weren't on the platform they were sat on so I waited till the end and tried to take a photo of them all as they left. Unfortunately they decided to stand up and leave at different times but I don't care I still got a photo of them up close :) They signed my T-Shirt and it is now my favourite thing in my wardrobe (I'm not going to wear it don't worry). 
After all that excitement we watched the end of Jungle's set which ended nicely I think with sounds of the jungle.
Then we went to the Alternative stage to watch Sean Walsh but ended up watching Paul McCaffrey too who was funnier than I thought he would be. Sean Walsh's set turned a nice way when everyone decided to clap along with him.
At 4:30 we went and watch Maverick Sabre on a whim and found he was really good.
The plan was to stay at that tent now until The Kooks started so we watch Schoolboy Q which I kinda liked even though I'm not really into that sort of music.
6:30 was the time The Kooks started playing so I got into the centre of the crowd as soon as I could. I don't really like crowds but I had decided I would cope so I could see them. However, the crowd that was forming for them was sooo big it was out of the tent and people kept pushing so I decided to get out and ended up watching from the outside quite away back so I barely heard them. There were people climbing up the tent posts and on the sign for the tent so I was glad I got out to be honest. But it doesn't matter that I didn't see them properly because I've got tickets for them when they play in November (I'm so excited).
The Sunshine Underground started playing in the Festival Republic tent so we went and watched them and had a good dance. 
Then it was time for The 1975 which we watched from outside the tent but they were still fabulous. They played all my favourites, 'The City', 'M.O.N.E.Y' and 'Chocolate'.
We finished the night sat watching Blink-182 who I don't think we as good live but we still had a good time singing along to 'I Miss You', 'Feeling This' and 'What's My Age Again?'.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Reading Festival! Saturday

Saturday was the second day of my Reading Festival adventure and turned out to be a lot busier than the Friday (in a very good way).

The first act of the day we went to see was The Hell. As you can tell it wasn't really a 'pop' band but I actually really like their music. I also like them as a band because they are so over the top with their the way they are and to be totally honest it makes me laugh. The sort of over the top where they bring a blow up dinosaur to their set and when someone popped it on accident and they demanded that security got them removed (they guy didn't actually get thrown out).
Then it was off for a calmer band, American Authors. To be totally honest we only went because I love the song 'Best Day Of My Life' but I have to admit I am falling for their other songs too. They finished their set with that song and it was one of the best feelings where a tent is filled with people sing the same words in harmony to each other.
At 15:05 it was time to excitably trot over to the main stage where I stood in awe of the whole of Peace's set (while getting continually knocked by people going into and out of the crowd). I think this had to be my second favourite performance of the day.
Back over at the Festival Republic tent it was time for Wolf Alice who blew me away to be honest. I somehow managed to get really close to stage and all my thoughts were taken away by the magic they produce live.
17:25 was the time that Foster The People started although I don't think we ended up watching most of the set as we were eating I think.
Then it was time for my favourite act of the day, Chvrches. I saw them live last year too which was magical but this year all I did was dance and sing my socks off to every song and I couldn't have asked for a better live performance by them.
Chvrches were followed up by Bombay Bicycle Club which was the point where some girl wiped loads of glow in the dark paint on my face. The music was great and I sat outside the tent watching them play.
To finish the night we stood at the back of the crowd watching the Arctic Monkeys (which was very far back). The crowd for the Arctic Monkeys filled the entire space in front of the main stage which was amazing. I was stood on the very edge of the crowd with a hot chocolate. Lush.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Reading Festival! Friday

This weeks post are going to be short and sweet since I am going to be busy but I thought I would just do a roundup of the artists I saw at Reading etc :)

Friday was the first day of the festival but it took us ages to get in for some unknown reason so by the time we got in we had missed most of Gerard Ways set on the NME/BBC Radio 1 stage. From what I saw he was still fab.
 We then walked over to the Festival Republic Stage to see Hudson Taylor and The Districts who I hadn't heard of before but turned out to be pretty good. T
Then we went off to have a good look around the shops since there was no one we wanted to see and I ended up getting some really nice silver rings while Deaf Havana played on the main stage.
 At 16:25 it was time to head over to watch Twin Atlantic (amazing as always) who belted out the favourites from the last and new album like Crash Land, Heart and Soul and Free. 
After that we settled down to watch Catfish and the Bottlemen with tea while a man was getting naked in the tent because the band dared him to. We also stayed to watch King Charles and his beautiful hair perform. 
We then ran over to the main stage to watch the beautiful Vampire Weekend play some of their most well known songs like Contra, Diane Young and (my favourite) Step. 
After moving out of the way and taking shelter by the disabled platform we watched Paramore. As they were playing the system went down so there was no sound but they got the mic working so Hayley song a song and accompanied by the audience and it ended perfectly with the sound slowly coming back as they finished the song. Unfortunately we didn't see the end of the set (or them play Ain't It Fun) because it was time for Metronomy! Their stage was a pretty pink cloud and the audience was serenaded with their electronic delights. After such a great performance it was back over to the Festival Republic Stage to watch the end of the Palma Violets set.

I am so sorry I haven't included any photos but they were all really bad so I'd best not.
Also next week I shall have normal posts to put up (they won't be holiday diaries or whatever) 
I hope you enjoyed the recount of my Friday at Reading, 

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Good Luck!

Hey guys! 

Sorry for not posting over the past few days like normal but I have been busy finishing off the tidying I have to do in my bedroom and seeing my friends and getting ready for Reading Festival tomorrow and trying to lock up my worries about results day in the back of my mind (which I have realised was not the best idea afterall). I will start posting again next week as normal when I get back from Reading but in this post I just want to say good luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results tomorrow.

I know I could say don't worry but it is inevitable that most of you will like I am now but my advice is to talk to someone about your worries because it will make you feel a lot better (even if it is just your cat or something) and to try and keep yourself busy tonight and don't watch the news! The day before the A-Level result were given out the news was going on about how grades have dropped which worried me even though I'm not doing them so it's a good idea to not listen or watch the news so you don't end up fretting even more, regardless of what they say.

So good luck! And I shall write more next week :)


Sunday 17 August 2014

Second Holiday, Days 7 & 8

On the 7th day we went down to Beningbrough Hall (along way down) and got caught in quite bad rain. And thunder. And lightning.

They weren't the only thing we got caught in. We sat in the conservatory hoping the weather would calm down a bit so we could get back to the car without getting soaked but since it was near closing time we got locked in the conservatory and I had to bang on the glass so someone would let us out. 

When we got back to Whitby the weather seemed to have worsened and we had planned on looking for an indian restaurant but we were soaked so instead I got my dad to take me up to the abbey so I could take some pictures. 


Then it was Saturday and time to go home and for me to misread the map and get us 'lost'.

About 1 hour later than expected we got to Bolsover Castle and I had one of the best slices of millionaires shortbread I have had in ages.

After a quick walk round we eventually got home and back to my cat who seemed to of missed me quite a lot (bless).

Friday 15 August 2014

Second Holiday, Days 5 & 6

On the 5th day we went into Whitby where I had the best milkshake I have ever had. I had a battenburg milkshake from a shop called 'Hippy Hippy Shake' and has now gone down as my favourite shop in Whitby. My dad also brought me some jet earrings which I LOVE. We were looking into this shop window and I saw the most perfect ring, its the parts of a watch and I haven't taken it off since I bought it.
We then went off to Robin Hoods Bay where we saw the most fascinating site, a rainbow with both its 'ends' visible! Unfortunately there was no pot of gold :(

We went back to Whitby afterwards for tea and decided to eat outside. Bad decision, I got attacked by flying ants and it was one of the worst experiences in my life.


On the Thursday we went to Nunnington Hall. In the hall there was a second hand bookshop with really cosy sofas which was lucky for me since I ended up spending half an hour on them waiting for my dad when he had actually gone a different way out and was waiting for me outside. We are great right? It didn't help that we had no signal to text each other our locations either. 

Since we left the hall quite early we decided to go to Rievaulx Abbey and it was so calm and peaceful there I found myself just sitting and absorbing it all.

There was loads of wildlife in the surround area and I managed to get a picture of this cute but petrified looking rabbit.

I also yet again managed to loose my dad here as I thought he had left and was waiting for me outside. But he was still inside so I had to wait on a gate for him. Lucky me. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Second Holiday, Days 3 & 4

The third day was spent looking around 'Eden Camp', an old army camp which has been turned into a museum about war. It was such a nice day (even though I lost my dad)  and the weather was perfect. We also indulged ourselves with a raspberry ripple cheesecake at dinner time :)


On the Tuesday we headed down to Scarborough where I had an amazing milkshake (strawberry) which ice cream in at the cafe by the cliff tram. It was heaven in a glass I swear.

Somehow my dad coaxed me up the huge hill to the castle and I am kind of glad he did since the views were spectacular and I managed to take a gorgeous picture of a butterfly while looking out to sea.

After coming back from the castle we had a bit of trouble getting back to where we parked the car in town but after a lot of consulting town maps we found it.   

Monday 11 August 2014

Second Holiday, Days 1&2

Two Saturdays ago I went on yet another holiday to a place called Hawsker near Whitby in the Yorkshire moors. Neither the journey there or back was a complete success. The drive up was the most successful even though we were meant to arrive at 4pm but it was nearly 7 when we got there. There was so much traffic and we had to take a big detour since there was an accident but we got there eventually. 

After we settled ourselves down in the cottage we drove to Whitby Abbey where there were some spectacular views and then Robin Hood's Bay where we drove down the steepest road I have ever been on in my life (scary). 


The second day we found ourselves having a proper look around Whitby Abbey and on an open top bus tour around the town. 

In the evening we had a look around (the parking was free) and mostly looking through the windows at all the closed shops which was nice. For tea that we had "The best fish and chips in the country" which were good but I think I am going to have to disagree with that statement.

Friday 8 August 2014

Holiday Diary! Days 5 & 6

On our 5th day we had an appointment booked at a local spa which was heaven. We had a back massage, facial, head massage and a mini foot massage. While having my back massage I noticed that my masseuse (it sounds so posh) had very long toes and her nails would be perfect for me to try out my pedicure skills. During my facial it was exceptionally hard to keep my eyes open as I was just on a cloud. After we left heaven we decided that we would do the White Rabbit Trail which was a trail around Llandudno looking at places to do with Alice Liddell and Lewis Carroll and the book 'Alice In Wonderland'. They have also erected loads of statues so I tried to get some good photos of them. During the day we missed out Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee so after our dinner (Chinese again, yum) we went to search for them. After getting confused we managed to find them and found ourselves on the most beautiful view point over the town. Unfortunately, as we were walking back, the thought hit us that we were going home the next so we felt a bit sad :(

On our last day before leaving we went for a last amble around town and along the beach. We had a last go on the air hockey machines (I won both times :)) but eventually we had to leave :( but I was glad to come home to cat Roly who spent then spent the night with me (aw).